Finally, here comes to the end of my 6th semester in INTI. (although my finals are on next week la, wed and thurs)
Time passed really fast... But i don't really have the feeling of "last day of classes", it's just like usual...
Had lunch with dear Pauline (who i seldom meet this semester, really miss her muchie, hehe), April, Fang Kai, Yann Huoy, Yen Loo, Thong Yang them... and with Qisti and Zjen Thak joined us halfway... Accidentally met Boon Han, Chew and Ryan when i was walking to my car, haha...
Yet, today was kinda strange too..
I seldom (or never) been late in the class for more than 15 mins, but then i was late during the last day of class!
It was due to the silly small holes on the road outside my house... Somewhere near the junction and the traffic light...
There're lots of holes and usually i don't really pay attentions to them and i got to pass by easily..
But then something went wrong today as i accidentally hit 1 hole, and the hole seemed to be REALLY deep although it looked like a small pore!
Damn it, i heard my tyre's "wheezing" sound, and i stopped my car at the parking slot of a government building directly in front of Astro Entrance.
I quickly called my dad and he asked me to check if the tyre had been punctured...
I went back and forth from the driver's seat to the front left tyre for 3 times and i "diagnosed" it as it had punctured...
Wanted to save it myself, but at the end, i told my dad to come and rescue me since i was near to my house...
Procedure had taken up 15 mins, (i departed late to school, almost 7.20am only i left my house), and i reached college at 8.30am =.="
Statistic class was like normal, just that only 66.67% of the classmates were in, 3 went out after the first hour for business comm's assignment, 1 was in the SOSAM office doing stats make up test.. (3=aaron, chew and ryan, 1=april)
only the remaining 5: Ree Gent, Yen Loo, Yann Houy, Fang Kai and me were hardworking, doing the final review question... haha
And, we took our class photo and by tagging those who were not in the scene at the whiteboard there.. haha oh forgot to mention, Miss Cetha-Stat lecturer was so nice for adding marks for my test 2..
There's 1 question which most of the classmates got 3 marks and i only had 2.5 marks,
i approached her, and she changed it to 3.5,
then she asked me if there's any mistake elsewhere,
i told her no, she checked and added another 2 marks at other questions 'coz she said it's just approximation and i should have been given marks for that,
haha, so out of expectation.. lolx Stat class was always cheerful, there's only 9 of us and we used to talk and chat A LOT during the break or even during the class, haha..
I had never been in the same class with Yann Houy, Yen Loo, Ryan, Fang Kai and Chew, although i got to know first 3 of them in my 2nd sem...
Lucky that we still had this chance to be in the same class, hahaha...
Miss Cetha understands mandarin, she said i looked like 范文芳Fann, the famous singapore actress, lolx...
We used to talk in mandarin among classmates, only 1 case which Aaron doesn't understand mandarin and Miss said he should learn the language too, lolx
About D.E class, at first, i don't really adapt to the way Mr Sam lectures...
He's so different from Miss Shanta and i had been "following" Miss Shanta for 3 long semesters...
However, the way he teaches is more interesting and funny...
For the 2 hours of class, he only used up to 30 minutes to complete the lecture of the day and we will continue practising the skills or solving questions after that..
Through this method, we have to think more and try harder to elaborate the concept into exercises... I like this...
Yet, sometime i hate his exercises too, 'coz there's typing error which made the question unsolvable, and i once thought that's my problem... hahaha
D.E class was fun as i always made jokes of Sherine and April.. We chatted lot while doing exercises, and we laughed even more, haha...
And with Jun Yih, Tze Yang and Charles who made good reason to go to "so-called-library" during the break... Daryl and Elvin who chatted with April for at least quarter of the class hour, haha...
Thanks Sherine for helping me to erase my "seriously-hard-to-rub-manuscripts" with the lead which has existed for more than half a decade... hehehe~
Test 2 was quite lengthy and i got 100% for it, so happy, haha..
I am satisfied with it 'coz the test was growing wild at the end when people starting to discuss and copy...
I didn't copy anything, i had done my own part.. but i did pass my paper to sherine as she checked both our answers... I was really tired of checking it, it was already 6 o'clock in the evening... haha I still remember the last question was sooooo complicated..
there're 5 unknowns and i solve them one by one by substitution, then Mr. Sam came to me and told me that we can actually use calculator...
Er... He taught me at that moment, but i didn't really catch up with it.. and finally he showed me and i got my answer correctly..
huu.. i will be frustrated if my ABCDE unknowns are wrong... i wasted a lot of time there, haha
Mr Sam even checked one of the question for me, then i looked up at him and he said "hmm... correct... oh, it's nothing, 'coz half of the class got it wrong.." =.= zadao
and at the end, both sherine and i were the first to hand up the paper... haha
Well, Guessed i should go back to formulas, equations... differential equations and statistic 1 now...
People, All the best in Finals!
(Remind me to take picture with Mr Sam after DE finals! haha )