Here comes my long-waiting super AWESOME winter break! =)))))))
Kelsey, my beloved roomie ever, with the presents that i gave her... She transferred to Carroll University at Milwaukee in the Spring... I'm gonna miss her badly! I was so blessed to have known her!! She's just simply amazing!! I'm so glad that she's part of my life here. =)
Texas Trip:
First Stop: Dallas, TX
Date: 20th of December, 2010.
Second stop: Austin, Capitol of Texas
Date: 21st of December, 2010
Third Stop: San Antonio, TX
It wasn't in our plan originally, but since Charles was the "driver", so we decided to stop by San Antonio before heading to Houston.
First-sem-friends rock! keke!
The beautiful sunset.. Picture was taken out of coincidence.. GPS brought us to a longer route after a McDonald's coffee rest stop on our way to Houston.. Lol
Fourth Stop: Houston
Had our dinner at Banana Leaf, a Malaysian cuisine restaurant... Looked at what we had ordered: Nasi Lemak with curry chicken, Belacan Fried Rice and Belacan KangKung!! Delicious!!!!!!!!
Fifth Stop: Baton Rouge, LA
Local Louisiana food a.k.a Cajun Food at The Chimes, BR. Tried Poboys (sandwich) with crawfish and alligators meat! I love the food there! By the way, alligators meat tasted like chicken with more chewy texture! LOL
New Orleans is such a pretty and neat city... Weather was cozy.. We're just hanging around the city center, I wondered if that's the reason that i didn't see much on how hurricane Katrina had affected the city few years back...
Bourbon street, the most famous street in New Orleans... It's the best place to hang out at night for all the entertainment that you could think of! Strip clubs, liquors +++ XD
New Orleans Cathedral =) Such a decent building!
Charles and his wife - CHARLE5 which had been pulled over by the state patrol twice! lol... Drive safely, k? Anyway, not to forget to give special thanks to his wife for the whole trip!
Sent May Chong to Greyhound Center after the meal and a short rest at Charles' apartment.
Had a fun laundry session on that midnight! hahahah XD
P/s: Charles' bed was sooooo comfortable! LOL
Sixth Stop: New Orleans, LA
After sending Charles to the airport early in the morning (he needed to catch flight to New York for his following winter break trip, and our flight were at 3 in the afternoon leaving down south to west coast San Francisco), his Louisiana friends brought us to hang around New Orleans.